April 29, 2020

The Lockdown Diaries - Chapter Two.

Welcome to the second installment of our Lockdown Diaries series, where we check in with a few of our members to see how lockdown is treating them. Here’s what they are up to!

Welcome to the second installment of our Lockdown Diaries series, where we check in with a few of our members to see how lockdown is treating them. Here’s what they are up to!

Kristi Triplett Jones, Lead Self Lead Others

Tell us about your job/ company and what a normal day looked like pre-corona virus.

From Therapist to now Human Development Coach, I work with individuals and corporate teams in reaching their full, human potential combining relational intelligence and human experience exercises, while also incorporating visual art and hands-on activities. From meeting in coffee shops and corporate rooms – I’m normally around people 24/7 with a few out-of-state clients via Zoom.

How has your routine changed since working from home?

I’ve moved all clients to Zoom including new clients. Both my clients and I have had the opportunity to become innovative by bringing hands-on activities into their homes by using materials they already have. Want to create a self-made portrait of how you’ve evolved as a woman? Grab some pens, some uncooked spaghetti noodles, some grass from outside, and go!

What has been your biggest win- professional or personal- in the past month?

My clientele has grown tremendously. I’m thankful and honored to be able to walk through this season with so many. A season that really has no language to what’s going on – but we’re learning together.

What is one piece of advice you would give to other remote workers?

Listen to your body and try not to fight with it. On a scale of 1-10, 1 being “I’m sad and today is awful” to 10 being “Today’s the best day ever”, allow yourself grace to be wherever you fall on the scale for that day. Our brains are used to working and resting and this type of working and resting is so completely different for many. Grace Grace. We’re going to make it through this.

What has been your go-to quarantine meal?

Our go-to meal has been a protein shake every day for lunch. We used to do our workouts in the early AM and then make a salad for lunch. But now we sleep until 7, workout at 12, and make a protein shake for a quick meal so we can get back to work.

What is the last movie you watched?

IP Man 4 – my husband is a martial arts fanatic.

Tyrance Billingsley II, Tulsa Remote

Tell us about your job/ company and what a normal day looked like pre-corona virus.

I am currently contracting with Tulsa Remote. Prior to quarantine my day looked like going to 36°N and working while intermittently taking meetings with people all over downtown and at 36°N.

How has your routine changed since working from home?

Since working from home, my routine has been totally recreated. I actually have even more meetings now because its a lot easier to manage zoom meetings than meeting people in person, in addition to work meetings. I eat a lot more (sadly) and I actually take reading breaks when I get the time since I am already home.

What has been your biggest win- professional or personal- in the past month?

My biggest personal win in the past month has been learning to quiet my mind and focus better than I ever have. It’s easy to keep your mind on track when you are out and about with tasks to focus on and people to interact with, but I have always found it more difficult when I am at home in a relaxed environment. With my home and work environments being merged, I have learned to channel the same focus and discipline in my personal space as my professional space and I feel this will bring more professional wins in the future.

What is one piece of advice you would give to other remote workers?

One piece of advice I would give to remote workers is to take advantage of the flexibility that you have to self care now in addition to balancing your productivity. I know some people will get pretty stir crazy having to be in the house so much, but if you think about it, this is an opportunity to strike a much more manageable balance between work and focusing on you in a way that can optimize your professional performance.

What has been your go-to quarantine meal?

2 McDonald’s double cheeseburgers. I am not proud of it, so that’s all I’m gonna say about that. I was really close to lying about this question…

What is the last movie you watched?

The last movie I watched was Samson on Netflix.

Abbey Marino, The Mine Tulsa

Tell us about your job/ company and what a normal day looked like pre-corona virus.

I am the OU-Tulsa Director of the Ronnie K. Irani Center for the Creation of Economic Wealth + Program Manager for The Mine Tulsa. We are an OU consulting center that creates real-world development experiences for students and community members through our on-campus internship and community fellowship. We pair our interns/fellows with local businesses to help solve a problem on the horizon. Normal days include teaching class to our I-CCEW interns and Mine fellows, leading problem-solving meetings with teams, building partnerships with community innovators, and working on consulting projects for local entrepreneurs.

How has your routine changed since working from home?

Working from home has almost completely eliminated any sense of personal routine I previously had. Without 6am yoga class (& the excitement of seeing my 36°N friends, of course) getting me out of bed, I seem to have lost a lot of structure! Still, I always make sure I eat a good breakfast, listen to NPR, and drink a cup of coffee before starting my day. Work-wise, I’m normally all over the place — at community meet-ups like 1MillionCups + TYPROs, around the OU-Tulsa campus, desk/office-hopping around 36°N — quarantine has created a new normal full of Zoom calls, porch visits, + “can’t wait until we can…”'s.

What has been your biggest win- professional or personal- in the past month?

I-CCEW conducted 6 focus groups and talked with 30+ business owners & consumers to create local examples of successful innovations to serve customers’ needs in this changing environment. We’ll be rolling out the results soon, and I’m excited to deliver these recommendations to some of my favorite Tulsa business owners!

What is one piece of advice you would give to other remote workers?

Take breaks, get some sunlight, and buy lots of houseplants! It’s easy to get anxious about the outside world & to cozy up inside, but going outside – even just a walk to the mailbox — can really brighten the mood! Also, build a space worth loving! I’m a pretty major nester & I’ve enjoyed using this time to make tiny organizational tweaks to make my home the best living and working environment for this season.

What has been your go-to quarantine meal?

Desi Fried Rice (spice level 3, with extra broccoli). Most of my meals are home-cooked (and I make a killer daily smoothie!), but my Desi Wok addiction has taken on a whole new life during quarantine!

What is the last movie you watched?

Parasite … It was intense, unpredictable, and absolutely entertaining!

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